Category Archives: Carlos Tui

Carlos Tui Edward Borrero

Just a quick post to the blog to announce the birth of our son! Mr. Carlos Tui Edward Borrero.

Holly and I are totally stoked.  He’s a good looking chap, if I do say so myself!

He was born on December 9th, 2013 at 9:54 pm NZ Daylight Time, weighing in at 7 lbs 3 oz (3.27 kg).

Below is a little slide show with a few pics, but you can get to a separate web page with all the photos by clicking here ( There are two full pages of photos.  The links to the various pages are at the top of each page.

If you want to leave a message for Carlos, please use the comment box below.  I will eventually print them all up to save for him to read (when he can, some time next week I think, just before he goes to Uni…)