

Consulting and Technical Reports


  1. *Borrero, J.C. (2011) Local Tsunami Source Models for Northern Chile, Prepared for Golder and Associates, Irvine CA.

  2. *Borrero, J.C. and S. D. Greer, (2011) Wheatstone LNG Terminal Tsunami Hazard Study, Prepared for Chevron Australia Pty. Ltd.

  3. *Mead S.T., Borrero, J.C., Grant, D., Lebreton, L., and Moores, A. (2011)  Design of a Submerged Reef for Coastal Protection, Prepared for US Army Corps of Engineers, National Erosion Control Development and Demonstration Program, Ventura County Demonstration Site.

  4. *Borrero, J.C. and Grant, D. (2011) Oceanographic Analysis of Beran Island, Ainglaplap Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Prepared for B.V. Resorts LLC

  5. *Borrero, J.C., Lebreton, L., Greer, S.D., Csato, C., Mueller, H. (2011) Plastic Pollution in the World Ocean, A research study in to the origin, transport and distribution of floating debris. Prepared for the Sea•thos Foundation, Venice Beach, CA.

  6. *Borrero, J.C., (2011) Review of WYB0004 Seismic Hazard Assessment: Stage 2 Interim Tsunami Hazard Assessment Report, Prepared for Arup, London.


  1. *Borrero, J.C., (2010) Borth Reef: Physical Modelling Study of Coastal Protection and Surfability, Prepared for Royal Haskoning, Peterborough, UK

  2. *Borrero, J.C., Lebreton, L., Oldman, J. (2010),  Assessment of Submerged Reefs for Coastal Protection in Port Phillip Bay, Report prepared for the Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria, Australia

  3. *Borrero, J.C., Lebreton, L., Mead, S. and Frazerhurst, J., (2010), “Re-Imagining the Folkestone Shore”  Report prepared for Folkestone Re-Development Group.  February, 2010.

  4. *Mead, S., Borrero, J.C., Lebreton, L., Grant, D., “Scoping Study of the New Zealand West Coast Physical Marine Environment”, Report Prepared for Golders, New Zeland.


  1. *Borrero, J.C., Mead, S., Campbell, A.(2009) “Borth Multipurpose Reef: Final Design Note” Prepared for Royal Haskoning, December 2009.

  2. *Borrero, J.C. and Mead, S.T. (2009) “La Roche Percée: Review of a Proposed Beach Renourishment Plan” Prepared for CAPSE-Nord, Noumea, April 2009.

  3. *Borrero, J.C., Mead, S.T and LeBreton, L. (2009) “La Roche Percée [New Caledonia]: Hydrodynamic Analysis of the Littoral Environment, Design of a Multi-Purpose Erosion Control Structure” Prepared for CAPSE-Nord, Noumea, March 2009.

  4. *Borrero, J.C., Harrison, S. and Mead, T. (2009) Uitoé Bay, New Caledonia Field Data Collection and Hydrodynamic Analysis of Proposed Channel Configurations, Prepared for CAPSE-Nord, Noumea, May 2009

  5. *Borrero, J.C. (2009)  Stability Assessment for Submerged Reef Breakwaters constructed from Large Sand Filled Geotextile Containers.

  6. *Borrero, J.C., Mead, T., Harrison, S. (2009)Weather and Sea Conditions Leading Up to the Grounding of the San Cuvier 27th July 2008

  7. *Frazerhurst, J. Borrero, J.C., Mead S., Harrison, S. (2009) Tidal and Wave Energy Resource Study – Victoria.  Prepared for: SKM Consultants, July 2009.


  1. *Harrison, S., Borrero, J.C. and Blacl, K.P. (2008) "Extreme Water Levels at the Powlett River Mouth" Prepared for GHD, Australia, July 2008.

  2. *Borrero, J. C., Mead, S.T., Black, K.T., Bosserelle, C. and Healy, T. (2008). "Matakana Island [New Zealand] Access Numerical Modelling & Assessment" Prepared for the Pritchard Group, June 2008.

  3. *Borrero, J.C. (2008) "Historical Assessment of Tsunamis Affecting the Southern Coast of the Dominican Republic" Prepared for Sandwell Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, May 2008.

  4. *Mead, S. T., Black, K.P., Borrero, J.C., Bosserelle, C. and Bou, A. (2008) "Design and Assessment of Physical Effects of Multi-Purpose Reef for Beach Sand Retention at Orewa Beach [New Zealand]" Prepared for the Orewa Beach Reef Trust and Rodney District Council, March 2008.


  1. *Borrero, J.C. and Mead, S.T. (2007) "Channel Sedimentation at Gisborne prior to the Grounding of the Jodi F. Millennium   Prepared for TT Club c/- Langley Twigg Lawyers, October 2007.

  2. *Borrero, J. C., Mead, S.T., Black, K.T. and Bosserelle, C. (2007). "Matakana Island [New Zealand] Data Collection Report" Prepared for the Pritchard Group, September 2007.

  3. *Mead, S. T., J. C. Borrero, K. P. Black and J. Frazerhurst, (2007) "Multipurpose Reefs for Port Elizabeth South Africa: Detailed Design Report for Multipurpose Reefs at 4 locations in Port Elizabeth, South Africa" Prepared for Africoast Engineers, November 2007.

  4. *Black, K.P., Mathew, J., and Borrero, J.C. (2007) "Southern Pipeline Estuarine and Hydrodynamic Physical Process Assessments" prepared for URS, New Zealand and Tauranga City Council, August 2007.

  5. *Mead, S.T., Borrero, J.C., Black, K.P. and Fraerhurst, J. (2007) "Investigations into the Development of Multi-Purpose Reefs at Las Rosadas [Mexico] for Beach Access and Amenity Enhancement" Prepared for Costa Chamela Corporation, May 2007.

  6. *Borrero, J.C., Raichlen F., and Yeh, H., (2007) "Third Party Review of Samoa Town (Humboldt County, CA) Master Plan Tsunami Vulnerability Report", prepared for GeoEngineers,  February 2007.


  1. *Borrero, J. C., Mead, S. T., Black, K. P. and Frazerhurst, J. (2006) "Feasibility and Design Study for a Multi-Purpose Reef in Long Branch, New Jersey" Prepared for Surfers' Environmental Alliance and the State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, July 2006.

  2. *Mead, S. T., Black, K. P., Borrero, J.C., Frazerhurst, J., Anderson, D., Phillips, D.J. and Kramer, M (2006). "St Francis Bay Beach Project: Feasibility Study. Investigations into the Application of Multi-Purpose Reefs at St Francis Beach for Coastal Protection and Amenity Enhancement." Prepared for the St Francis Bay Beach Reef Trust, June 2006.

  3. *Borrero, J.C., L. Dengler, B. Uslu, C.E. Synolakis (2006) "Numerical Modeling of Tsunamis Effects at Marine Oil Terminals in San Francisco Bay", Prepared for California State Lands Commission, Marine Facilities Division, June 2006.


  1. *Legg, M.R., J.C. Borrero, C.E. Synolakis (2003) Evaluate Tsunami Risk to Soutthern California Coastal Cities, 2002 EERI/FEMA NEHRP Professional Fellowship.  Submitted January 2003.


  1. *Borrero, J.C., Cho, S., Gordon, S., Moore, J., Richardson, H.W. and Synolakis, C.E. (2002) "Natural Disasters and California: The Regional Economic Cost of a Tsunami Wave Generated by the Palos Verdes Slide," Final Report to the USC Zumberge Research and Innovation Fund, August, 2002.


  1. *Borrero, J.C. (2001, 2002) "Pratte's Reef Quarterly Monitoring Reports", 2001 and 2002. 8 reports Prepared for The Surfrider Foundation, San Clemente, CA. September 2001 - October 2002.